Who I Am and What I Do
I am Sandra.
Someone who wears many hats and is blessed to do so.
I am a loving wife, a caring daughter, a committed mummy to 2 chocolate Labradors (1 who is now having a wonderful time chasing crystals over the Rainbow Bridge), a fun-loving God Mother, a loyal friend, a hard worker, an avid traveler, a yoga teacher in training and a true spiritual junkie.
My purpose is to leave a positive impact on peoples lives so that they can realise their true potential.
Whether it’s through Reiki, Meditation, my Podcast or Life Coaching, my goal is to help you achieve your goals.
I want you to feel relaxed, balanced in your life and supported to make any changes that will result in YOU fulfilling your dreams and realising your potential.
My journey with my own spirituality commenced from a very early age and was then kick-started at the age of 18. What followed was a coeliac diagnosis in 2003 (before gluten-free eating was even a thing!), a diagnosis of a rare bone marrow mutation in 2007 and a failed international surrogacy attempt in 2013; my path forward was clear, and it's fair to say it's been an absolute journey ever since. And through my self-healing journey I put it down to a positive mindset and commitment to myself that has made all the difference. Now I share the tools I've learned and developed along the way, because I now first-hand the difference they can make.
I have more than 18 years experience working in the space of holistic wellbeing and I now enter my ninth year as a Reiki Master; having taught more than 280 amazing humans this natural healing modality.
I don’t succumb to titles or hats - I truly believe we are our best selves when we incorporate all elements of who we are.
Dream. Believe. Create. Inspire.
love + light
xx Sandra xx
2023 - Australian Achiever Awards - WA Winner
2023 Australian Small Business Awards - Finalist
Stevie Business Award Winner - 2022 Bronze Medal Winner
2022 International Book Awards Winner - Women’s Health Category
2022 Australian Small Business Champion Awards - Finalist
Wellness Practitioner of the Year - Western Australia - 2022 Lux Wellness Awards
Wellness Practitioner of the Year - Western Australia 2021 - Lux Wellness Awards
Reiki Master of the Year - Perth 2020 - Lux Wellness Awards
Reiki Therapist of the Year - Perth 2019 - Lux Wellness Awards
Reiki Therapist of the Year - Perth 2018 - Lux Wellness Awards
ICF Life Coach | Reiki Master | IICT Approved Training Provider | Certified National Meditation Instructor Certified Life & Wellness Coach | Dip. Psychotherapy | Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner
Registered with: International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) | Reiki Australia | The International Alliance of Holistic Therapists (IAHT) | International Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Coaching (IANLPC) | International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)

Have you, or someone you know been on a fertility journey which was more difficult than expected?
Has there been a moment in your life when you've had to change direction because things didn't go as planned?
In this memoir-inspired guide to self-healing, Sandra Stoitis presents proven techniques that will help you regain your power when life doesn't go the way you want it to.
In Elephant in the Womb, you will discover:
How Sandra was diagnosed with a rare illness which impacted her ability to have children.
Sandra's captivating and emotional surrogacy journey in India.
How Sandra was able to build resilience and regain self-power.
5 strategies you can implement into your daily life to encourage mindfulness, increase self-worth, remove limiting beliefs and overall, promote physical, mental and emotional healing.
Elephant in the Womb equips readers with the tools and techniques to unlock their highest potential, supporting them on their self-healing journey.
Elephant in the Womb shifts you from existing into living.
Elephant in the Womb helps you re-program your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors with just a few minutes of practice each day.
Don't wait.
Your journey to Bollywood and back begins now!
Angel Readings

Be Guided By The Angels &/or Connect With Loved Ones Who Have Passed
Angel Readings are extremely personal and powerful and each reading will assist with putting your life into perspective by acknowledging past experiences, reflecting on current practices and providing guidance for the future.
Angel Readings can uncover issues you are experiencing, the best course of action to move forward and how the Angels are working behind the scenes to guide and support you on your journey forward.
During a reading you can ask questions about specific areas of your life that you are seeking clarity for. These may include: career, family, health, finances, love and relationships etc.
In collaboration with the Angel Readings, I work primarily as a Clairsentient Medium whereby I am able to connect with and pass on messages from loved ones who have passed.
75 Minute Angel Reading
$195 inclusive of GST
Psychic Development Workshop - How to Develop Your Psychic & Intuitive Abilities
This workshop is held 1-on-1 or in a small, intimate group and it's all about developing your intuitive abilities.
This workshop is focused on:
Assisting you in understanding spiritual terminology.
Guiding you in learning how to protect your sensitivity.
Helping you understand the 7 planetary chakras and their purpose.
Articulating the 5 higher chakras and how they relate to your spiritual development.
Tuning into your chakras via a guided chakra balance meditation
Explaining the etheric body and how to tune into Auras.
How to interpret Auric Colours.
Understanding how to use divination tools including crystals, oracle cards and pendulums.
Practical exposure to using divination tools.
My aim is to ensure you feel safe, comfortable and more than anything HAVE FUN!
Workshop includes:
Private Class | 1:1
Morning Tea
21 Page Psychic Development Workbook
10% Discount on Products
5.5 hours - $379 inclusive of GST

Reiki - Energy Healing
Balance Your Chi
Following Reiki treatments, my clients tell me they feel calm, relaxed and renewed after each session. I hear things like "I feel lighter" and "I have so much more energy" all the time. I’m trained in many holistic therapy techniques, so I tailor every single session to work on your specific energy needs. I like to describe energy healing sessions this way: you are the mobile phone and I am your charger. It's normal for your battery to get depleted with the stressors of everyday life, and every now and then we need to connect to re-charge, re-energise and renew your power.
Just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
I often incorporate guided meditation, crystal therapy and / or sound healing into my Reiki treatments, so the healing continues after you leave my space.
60 Minute Treatment, please allow 75 minutes
Guided Meditation
Energy Healing
90 Minute Treatment, please allow 100 minutes
Guided Meditation
Energy Healing
Crystal Therapy or Crystal Sound Healing
The centre realizes that there are many things that come up in people’s day to day lives and while truly sympathetic, the centre is unable to absorb the financial responsibility of last minute cancellations. The centre does not double-book appointment times, but rather reserves specific times for each patient affording individual care. Cancellations within 24 hours of appointment time are unable to be refunded.
Level I Reiki
Certification Training, please allow 8 hours
Theoretical and Practical Training and Initiation into Reiki I Shoden
Level I Workbook
Morning Tea and Lunch
IICT Approved Certificate
Reiki Lineage
$555 all inclusive
Level II Reiki
Certification Training, please allow 8 hours
Theoretical and Practical Training Initiation into Reiki II Okuden
Level II Workbook
Morning Tea and Lunch
IICT Approved Certificate
Reiki Lineage
$777 all inclusive
Reiki Master Certification Training
Theoretical and Practical Training and Initiation into Reiki III (Master) Shinpiden
Shinpiden Workbook
Morning Tea and Lunch
IICT Approved Certificate
Reiki Lineage
$888 all inclusive
Reiki Master Certification will only be granted after a minimum of 12 months from completion of Level II.
Crystal Therapy draws on the natural healing properties of stones and crystals to assist in healing the body, mind, soul and internal / external Energy Centers.
Each stone and crystal has a distinctive metaphysical quality and these properties, together with colour selection will determine the placement of the stones during the treatment according to concepts of grounding, Chakras and/or meridians.
Crystal Sound Healing harnesses the vibrational frequencies of crystals singing bowls to promote relaxation and balance.
Important Stuff To Know...
It's important to know that Reiki simply means "Spiritual Energy" in Japanese and this healing modality is a non-invasive treatment which is gentle yet powerful.
Reiki is not aligned with any religion or belief system and is a non-denominational method of healing. This healing practice is a stand alone treatment and it can work together with traditional Medicine without any interference. In fact, it is not uncommon to see me at some of the Perth Hospital's providing my services.
Reiki is a lifetime practice which develops the spiritual and mental connection supporting the 5 precepts:
Just for today -
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will be grateful
I will do my work honestly
I will be kind to all living beings
There is no limit to the power and ability of Reiki. It can be used for adults, children, babies and pregnant mothers and on crystals, plants, animals, food and medicines. To learn more about distant healing or Reiki for your pets, please reach out.
Distant healing sessions are also available. I work with clients all over the world from Canada to France and New Zealand and results are no different to what you can expect in person.
Please note, all Reiki Certification courses and Wellness Packages must be paid in full prior to the day of training / treatment.
Cancellation at least 48 business hours prior to commencement will result in 50% payment refund. After this time, no refunds can be granted.
The centre realizes that there are many things that come up in people’s day to day lives and while truly sympathetic, the centre is unable to absorb the financial responsibility of last minute cancellations. The centre does not double-book appointment times, but rather reserves specific times for each patient affording individual care. All deposits paid for certification qualifications and workshops are unable to be refunded.

Meditation - Guided Relaxation Training
Control Your Mind - The Rest Will Follow
Meditation is a healing technique based on the principle of free and uninterrupted energy flow which assists in activating the natural healing processes within the mind and body.
Meditation is all about calming the mind, creating inner peace and relaxation which can restore your physical and emotional well-being.
As a certified Meditation Instructor, I help clients reduce stress and anxiety, whilst taking you on a journey to achieve relaxation, balance and harmony.
Our mind is a muscle, which takes time to build. So, if you find that your mind wanders when you try to meditate - don't worry, it's completely normal! The practice is all about acknowledging your mind has drifted off and gently guiding it back.
Regular meditation offers many physical, emotional and spiritual benefits:
Improvement in sleep and increased energy levels
Increased mental clarity with the ability to focus
Reduced levels of stress and anxiety
Increased gratitude for 'living in the now'
Greater connection to yourself and your life purpose
I offer a series of dynamic 4-week Meditation Classes which are tailored to suit your requirements.
Classes Include:
Guided Meditation Visualisation classes aimed at reducing anxiety and stress relief.
Chakra Balance Meditation Balancing and re-charging your Chakras for health and harmony.
Deep Peace Meditation Deeply relaxing and restorative. Overcome stress and anxieties, relieve tension and calm the mind.
Mantra Meditation Meditation for self-realisation. A sacred course for connecting mind and breath through the silent repetition of mantras.
Abundance Meditation Guided Meditation to boost confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. Become the confident and positive person you desire to be.
All series run for 4 weeks, with 1 x 1 hour Meditation Class per week.
$390.00 / 4 private classes

Womb Healing
My womb-healing sessions are something sacred, something that others don't understand unless they've been on a journey with their womb.
We commence with a gratitude prayer, giving thanks for what our bodies do for us.
We then journey deep into a womb-healing meditation before venturing into powerful energy healing and energy clearing work.
And, it doesn't matter what part of the fertility journey you're on...
Not yet ready to conceive
Trying to conceive
IVF or ART journey
Pregnancy loss
Traumatic birthing experience
Endometriosis or PCOS sufferer
Infertility diagnosis
Family is complete.
As someone who has been through a rollercoaster journey, I hear you, I understand you, I'm with you all the way.
$180 / 90 minutes

Life Coaching
Teens / Children
You can find my group and 1:1 coaching programs available at The Elevated Living Co a global coaching collective I proudly founded in January 2022.
Children & Teens Program
I cannot even begin to talk about the stress and pressure our youngsters are facing in today’s world.
From the stress and anxiety of tests and exams to the ever increasing situations of bullying, peer pressure and social expectations, we need to ensure our kids are confident in themselves and are ready to tackle whatever life throws their way.
Life Coaching provides a safe and comfortable environment where your child will:
Gain confidence in expressing their inner most thoughts and feelings
Communicate more effectively with yourself and others
Work to create and achieve specific goals – short and long term
Explore stress and tension release exercises
Create and maintain a wheel of wellness
Included in this package are the Parent Review Sessions, so you remain informed of your child’s progress, without it compromising their confidentiality.
I will guide you through these mentoring sessions with tips, ideas and innovative approaches to supporting you and your child through these somewhat difficult years. You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home as all sessions can be conducted via phone or Zoom.

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For more information about The Holistic Health & Wellness Centre - our services, workshops, free resources and more, don’t hesitate to contact us!
If you subscribe to the mailing list, I promise I won't flood you with newsletters - but you will be the first to know of our awesome monthly promotions and cool happenings!
Hocking, WA
0403 536 948